Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Healing Chronic Wounds

March 3, 2025
Health & Wellness

What is hyperbaric oxygen therapy?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, also called HBO therapy, involves breathing 100% oxygen in a pressurized environment.

Why is a hyperbaric oxygen chamber beneficial for wound care?

The body’s tissues need an adequate supply of oxygen to function normally, and to heal. When tissue is injured, it needs even more oxygen. A hyperbaric oxygen chamber has been proven to enhance tissue oxygenation, stimulate growth factors, reduce inflammation, fight infection and ultimately promote healing.

What happens during hyperbaric oxygen therapy?

The patient changes into cotton scrubs and rests on the cot in the chamber. The chamber is enclosed with clear acrylic glass and a curtain can be pulled for your privacy. Most patients report it is a relaxing experience and often watch movies during their session.

The number of treatment sessions you need depends on your individual care plan, but the average is 30-40 treatments over two months. Each treatment lasts approximately 1.5 hours.

When might Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy help you?

  • If you have received radiation therapy for the treatment of cancer in the past, you may have unhealed internal wounds or tissue damage. These may feel like a constant pain in the location of your cancer/radiation or cause chronic bleeding.
  • If you have diabetes and experience complications such as infection and/or poor blood supply.
  • If you experience sudden hearing loss.
  • If you have a history of radiation to the face or jaw and are going to undergo dental procedures or oral surgery.
  • If you have an upcoming skin graft/flap or a failed skin graft.

Learn more.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy may be recommended independently or in coordination with other wound healing treatments. To schedule a consultation for hyperbaric oxygen therapy, call 563-382-2911 and ask to speak with the Wound Center.

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