Weight Management

WinnMed offers an Individualized Weight Management Program for patients with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30+ to help you improve your health, with the continued support of registered dietitians.

Those who qualify could be eligible for up to 22 visits with a dietitian per year. WinnMed’s Individualized Weight Management Program may be covered by your insurance, under the benefit: “Intensive Behavioral Therapy for Obesity.” This service is 100% covered by Medicare.

Lowering your weight can reduce your risk for health problems. These include:

  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Sleep apnea
  • Liver disease
  • Stroke
  • Some lung diseases
  • Some cancers
  • Mental health problems

Q. Will insurance cover the Individualized Weight Management Program?

Medicare covers the service under the benefit: “Intensive Behavioral Therapy for Obesity” for patients who have a BMI of 30+. Some private insurance companies cover this service Please contact your insurance company to find out the coverage options available for you.

What can I expect during a weight management session?

Sessions are held one-to-one and are individualized.  We base our care on a patient’s goals, taking into consideration other medical conditions the patient may have, like hypertension or diabetes.  We work together to develop eating plans, guide food journaling, educate on healthy eating, and anything else that may support weight loss for that particular person.

Do you work with my primary care provider?

We work closely with a patient’s primary care provider to create the best plan for care.  Even if the provider is part of another health system, we will still communicate regularly to provide you the best care.

Your Appointment

Call WinnMed and ask to speak with a dietitian to learn more: 563-382-2911.

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