Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapists have a primary focus on functional activities that individuals complete during their daily lives. Activities of daily living (ADLs) include bathing, dressing, grooming, feeding, bladder and bowel management, and functional transfers. Instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) include care of others, care of pets, community mobility, child rearing, shopping, use of communication devices, financial management, health management and maintenance, meal preparation and cleanup, safety procedures and emergency responses. Occupational therapists assist individuals with the use of adaptive equipment, compensatory techniques and alternative methods to complete these activities more independently.

All occupational therapists at WinnMed have extensive education and training. In addition, therapists receive additional training in specialty areas such as

  • Hand Therapy
  • Cognitive Therapy/Dementia Care
  • Incontinence
  • Lymphedema Management
  • Pediatrics

WinnMed offers direct access to their rehabilitation services without a doctor’s referral. Call 563-387-3031 to make an appointment.

Dementia Care

A dementia diagnosis may cause patients and families alike to question the future. Dementia is a term used to describe the loss of mental processing skills (memory, orientation, judgment) that affects the person’s ability to perform everyday activities. There is no cure for dementia; however, WinnMed’s Dementia Care Service is designed to improve the quality of life for persons and their care partners by teaching coping strategies for early onset dementia and techniques to manage challenges in late-stage dementia. WinnMed works closely with local community agencies to provide families the resources they need to support them on their journey with dementia.

Signs of early stage dementia can include:

  • Asking repetitive questions
  • Regularly misplacing items
  • Not taking medications as prescribed
  • Inconsistencies in conversations
  • Personality changes
  • Lack of enjoyment with previous leisure interests
  • Missing appointments
  • Inadequate hygiene habits
  • Difficulty with money management
  • Change in eating habits and having spoiled or excess groceries
  • Caregiver compensating for patient or increased tension between care partners and patient

Signs of late stage dementia can include:

  • Difficulty getting individual to eat, sleep, toilet, bathe, and change clothes
  • Increase falls or balance difficulties
  • Disengaging from the environment
  • Difficulty expressing their needs and understanding directions
  • Behaviors become more resistive, at times aggressive

How does WinnMed’s Dementia Care Service work?

Occupational therapists work closely with the patient and their care partners to help “see the person” to customize their care. Therapists strive to learn about the patient’s life; including family, former occupations and interests. Below are a few examples of what occupational therapists can suggest to improve quality of life.

  • Like music? A patient may believe he or she is a teenager in the 1920’s. Find a collection of music from those years and share with the patient.
  • Enjoy morning coffee? Meal time may cause undesirable behaviors, but the patient may enjoy a coffee break. Call meal time “coffee break” to encourage the patient to willingly join the table.
  • Like to clean? Find meaningful tasks for the patient to perform to keep their environment tidy and organized.
  • Enjoy farming? Many patients spent their entire lives on a farm. Listening to or reading the daily farm report may settle their agitation.

Is the WinnMed Dementia Care Service Covered by Insurance?

WinnMed ‘s Dementia Care Program is covered by Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurances. It is important to check with your insurance carrier before beginning services. For more information on WinnMed’s Dementia Care Service, talk to your primary care provider, or call the Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine department at 563-387-3031.

Hand Therapy

WinnMed in Decorah is the only facility in the area to offer hand therapy led by Certified Hand Therapists.  Hand therapists specialize in the treatment of upper extremity conditions involving the shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand.

Conditions treated by hand therapists may include:

  • Traumatic injuries
  • Fractures
  • Wounds, scars, and burns
  • Tendon, ligament or nerve injuries
  • Overuse injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, and tendonitis
  • Chronic Conditions such as arthritis or contracture management
  • Neurologic conditions such as stroke, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries

Specialty treatments may include:

  • Custom splinting
  • Manual therapy
  • Desensitization
  • Functional work analysis
  • Manual edema mobilization
  • Kinesiotaping
  • Ergonomic assessments
  • Postural assessment/education

In addition to treating the condition, certified hand therapists also assess and educate patients on how to modify/improve how they do their daily tasks (playing sports, computer work, gardening) to ensure best results of their condition. Call WinnMed Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine at 563-387-3031 to learn more about hand therapy available in Decorah.

Lymphedema Treatment

Lymphedema is a chronic swelling of an extremity due to permanent obstruction of lymphatic pathways due to surgery, lymph node removal, radiation and impaired mobility.  This leads to inadequate fluid drainage causing the fluid to become stagnant and protein build up can cause:

  • Inflammation
  • Fibrosis (hardening of the tissue/skin)
  • Weeping/ wounds
  • Infection or cellulitis to the affected limb.

This can lead to:

  • Pain
  • Decreased range of motion
  • Impaired sensation
  • Impaired mobility/balance
  • Decreased independence with self-cares.

Lymphedema treatments include:

  • Manual lymph drainage (a specific light massage completed by the therapist).
  • Medical, low-stretch compression bandaging.
  • Specific exercises to increase lymph flow.
  • Patient education on long term lymphedema management
  • Fitting of a compression garment to the affected extremity.
  • Assessment for lymphedema pumps and specialized compression garments

Call WinnMed Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine at 563-387-3031 to learn more.


Our pediatric patients benefit from early intervention for all types of diagnosis in a playful environment that includes sensory integration treatment, neurodevelopmental treatment, and kinesiotaping. Our staff has specialized certification in MNRI Reflex Integration, behavioral/emotional regulation using Zones of Regulation, and Social Thinking, listening therapy, sequential oral sensory feeding approaches, and Handwriting Without Tears.

Sensory Integration Therapy

Some children feel physically uncomfortable in their world. These feeling can be due to Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). SPD is a condition that exists when sensory signals don’t get organized into appropriate responses. A person with SPD finds it difficult to process and act upon information received through the senses, which creates challenges in performing countless everyday tasks. Motor clumsiness, behavioral problems, anxiety, depression, school challenges, and other impacts may result if the disorder is not treated effectively.

Effective occupational therapy enables children with Sensory Processing Disorder to take part in the normal activities of childhood, such as playing with friends, enjoying school, eating, dressing, and sleeping.

Common Signs of Sensory Processing Problems

  • Reactions to touch, sounds, sights, movement, tastes, or smells, including:
  • Bothered by clothing fabrics, labels, tags, etc.
  • Distressed by light touch or unexpected touch
  • Dislikes getting messy
  • Resists grooming activities
  • Very sensitive to sounds (volume or frequency)
  • Squints, blinks, or rubs eyes frequently
  • Bothered by lights or patterns
  • High activity level or very sedentary
  • Unusually high or low pain threshold

Emotional Regulation

Our OTs are trained in use of the Zones of Regulation and How Does Your Engine Run curriculums which is designed to foster self-regulation and emotional control with individuals of all ages. These curriculums utilize:

  • Sensory integration and regulation
  • Emotional self-understanding and emotional self-regulation
  • Executive functioning
  • Social thinking
  • Development of self-awareness


Our OTs are trained in use of Sequential Oral Sensory approach to feeding to increase food variety intake. During feeding therapy our therapists identify physical, behavioral, oral-motor and sensory factors that may be challenges for the individual.

Fine Motor Skills

Our OTs are trained to evaluate children’s fine motor skills and can provide interventions to target delays and deficits in this area. The following common fine motor target areas:

  • Dressing
  • Handwriting and other academic skills
  • Muscle Tone
  • Feeding
  • Other self-care tasks

Self-Care Skills

Our occupational therapist can teach children how to become more independent in daily living activities including dressing, toileting, bathing, self-feeding, grooming, etc.

Social Skills

Our therapists are trained utilizing the Social Thinking curriculum to assist in improving social skills. Social skills are necessary to communicate and interact well with others in everyday life.

Individuals will develop many skills including:

  • Positive relationships and friendships with peers
  • Verbal and nonverbal communication skills
  • Cooperation and turn taking
  • Being kind, patient, and respectful of others
  • Empathy and perspective taking
  • Understanding social contexts and customs
  • Awareness of personal space
  • Self-regulation and coping skills
  • Emotional regulation and recognizing emotions in self and others
  • Confidence and self-esteem
  • Self-advocacy and assertiveness
  • Conflict resolution and problem solving

Call WinnMed Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine at 563-387-3031 to learn more.

Pelvic Health

WinnMed offers pelvic health occupational therapy to patients in the region. Occupational therapy for pelvic floor dysfunction is performed by occupational therapists with advanced training in the evaluation and treatment of the lumbo-pelvic and pelvic floor regions.


Pelvic floor dysfunction can affect both females and males of different ages, and the severity of symptoms can vary as well.  Pelvic floor dysfunction often presents differently from person to person; some individuals may experience a few symptoms or even mild symptoms, while others may suffer from multiple or more severe or bothersome symptoms.

Pelvic floor dysfunction symptoms often include one or more of the following symptoms or conditions:

  • Stress incontinence (leaking urine with coughing, sneezing, jumping, running, etc.)
  • Incontinence associated with urinary urgency and/or frequency
  • Difficulty initiating urination
  • Pelvic pain
  • Pain with intercourse
  • Vaginismus
  • Testicular pain
  • Mild pelvic organ prolapse

Pelvic floor dysfunction is very common. Occupational therapy for pelvic floor dysfunction can often help manage, reduce, or eliminate these symptoms.


A musculoskeletal assessment will help to determine a tailored treatment plan for each individual.  Treatment may include:

  • Home exercise program for improved coordination and mobility
  • Muscle lengthening and relaxation and/or strengthening
  • Behavioral and activity modifications
  • Patient education
  • Manual therapies
  • Use of bladder and/or diet diary, and/or use of bio-feedback

Treatment frequency and duration is individualized for each patient dependent on their symptoms, but often range from weekly appointments to appointments every 2-4 weeks.

For more information on WinnMed’s Pelvic Health program, talk to your primary care provider, or call the Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine department at 563-387-3031.

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